How to Efficiently Distribute Hot Water in a Household

Wed, 27 Oct 2021


Water pumps need the energy to distribute water in residential homes. Distributing hot water consumes up to one-third of all residential energy. Much of this energy is lost in the circulation pipes. Additionally, if the water source is far away from the plumbing structure, it takes even more energy to distribute the hot water, and some will be wasted.

In this post, we will reveal the top heating solutions to efficiently and effectively distribute hot water throughout your home.


1. Build a Water Source Close to the Plumbing Structure

If the water source is far away from the plumbing structure, water could be wasted as it travels to the heating apparatus before being circulated to different areas of the home. What many households do not know is that they waste lots of water by running the tap and waiting for hot water to get to a sink or bathtub. Additionally, the hot water begins to cool down before it gets to where it is needed. 

To avoid spillage and wastage, the water source has to be built close to the plumbing structure. You can talk with a professional plumber to determine the best place to install your plumbing structure for efficient heating.


2. Directly Connect Water Heaters to Fixtures

The proximity between water heaters and household fixtures determines how efficiently hot water is distributed. Normally, in large houses, 50 feet of piping extends from the water heater to the most distant fixture.

This setup means it takes a long time for water to get to that distant fixture when it is needed. Directly connecting water heaters to the fixtures immensely reduce the circulation time of hot water.


3. Increase the Diameter of Plumbing Pipes

Water can circulate faster in a household if the plumbing pipes have a large diameter. A large diameter means that a good amount of water gets through the pipes to fixtures. More so, less energy is needed to power and push the water through the pipe, leading to reduced energy bills.

Usually, homes half half-inch pipes. The pipe diameter varies, but plumbers usually recommend a size that guarantees a quick flow and distribution of hot water to individual fixtures.


4. Enhance the Flow Rate of Fixtures

The flow rate of a fixture is instrumental in determining how quickly hot water is emptied from the pipes. If the flow rate of the fixture such as a faucet is not impressive, it will take a long time to deliver hot water completely. The longer the hot water sits in the pipe, the more heat energy it loses. If you want to ensure that hot water is soundly and satisfyingly distributed throughout your home, go for fixtures that have high flow rates.


Type of Piping for Plumbing

The type of piping used for plumbing is essential for distributing hot water well. Some pipes are fashioned specifically to circulate water throughout homes without getting damaged or leading to loss of heat.

PVC piping is not suitable for hot water applications. While it is strong and durable, it does not bend under pressure and warps easily when exposed to hot water. 

Plastic or copper pipe fits the bill for distributing hot water. Hot water does not damage them, making them ideal for hot water and high-pressure water distribution.


Installing an On-demand Circulator

An on-demand circulator is an effective solution for distributing hot water throughout a house. This system allows users to activate hot water circulation by pushing a button. The pump pulls hot water from the water heater and sends the cooled water sitting in the pipes back to the water heater to get re-heated. This system ensures that hot water is readily available and distributed when needed.


The Bottom Line 

Keeping the hot water circulation loop going is instrumental for making the most of your water heating system. By following the tips above, you will be on your way to ensuring that hot water is well distributed throughout your home. Whether you are using a solar hot water system or any other water heater storage, these techniques work soundly. For more information, feel free to get in touch with us